Bottoms Up: Learn Inversions

Bottoms Up: Learn Inversions

One of the most intimidating aspects of yoga is often inversions – we’re here to flip that script! This collection of 16 classes builds on the foundation of our Air, Earth, Fire, and Water tracks to help you find the courage and strength to get upside down. Trust yourself, trust the process, and embrace the fear of falling.

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Bottoms Up: Learn Inversions
  • SOFTEN: Prep Your Upper Body

    If we’re going to go upside down, we gotta set up our wrists and shoulders to be just as strong and mobile as our ankles and hips. Give yourself permission to be exactly as you are. (19:30)

    No props needed.

    Featured poses:
    Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
    Seated Wrist Stretches
    Seated Shoulder Stretches

  • INNER STRENGTH: Activate Your Core

    We’re getting to our core – we know, it’s not many people’s favorite inversion prep, but it is arguably the most important! This isn’t about making your belly look a certain way. This is about connecting to your strength and helping your vessel move safely. Everything you need is right in the cen...


    Inhale, exhale – let your body melt like an ice cream cone, even if that means things get sloppy. We’re digging into the breath as we prepare to get upside down with 10-ish minutes of foundational poses. (13:21)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured poses:
    Child’s Pose (Balasana)
    Cat (Marjariasana...

  • OPEN YOUR ENERGY: Take Up Space

    Starting in Savasana? Say no more! Practice taking up space by listening to what your body is asking for. Settle into the process of opening your hips and your heart. (20:30)

    Recommended props: blocks, strap

    Featured poses:
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Supine Twist
    Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)
    Boat P...

  • ENDURE THE PROCESS: Find Your Strength

    We’re not going to pretend inverting isn’t hard – it IS hard, and that’s what makes the journey so important. Get ready to practice enduring with sun salutations and supported core work to help you take those first steps on the path towards getting upside down. All you’re being asked to do is lis...

  • EGO TAKES A SEAT: Headstand Ready

    Let’s get shit moving into our first full inversion: headstand. If you don’t get upside down today, that is a-okay – it’s a journey, and there is no timeline. The more that you can remind yourself that it doesn’t matter, the more fun you’ll have! (45:55)

    Recommened props: wall

    Featured poses:

  • LEGS OF LEVITY: Time To Fly

    Inverting our bodies means redistributing our weight in a major way: your hands become your feet and your feet become your headspace. Let’s get our legs and hips open and ready to fly. (29:36)

    Recommended props: blocks, wall

    Featured poses:
    Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
    Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

  • FACE DOWN: Try It Out

    Today we are going upside down…away from the wall. You got this! Maybe you keep your feet on the ground, maybe you just watch, maybe you fall – it’s all a part of the process. We’ll warm up with some heart opening and standing postures before finding our strength together in Headstand. (41:16)


  • WORK THROUGH IT: Flip It And Reverse It

    This class is just a quick inversion moment: Dolphin, Headstand, Child’s Pose and go about your day. We’ll address the mental component of going upside down and how to move through the process. If you’re feeling like you can’t do it yet, just know that it’s a part of you that has to open up – jus...

  • SHORT AND SWEET: Flipping Daily

    Now that you’ve got the habit of going (or at least trying to go) upside down, use this short flow to get your daily fix. We’ll for sure be using a block, but whatever you have to support your head is great. Gather what you need, and we’ll see you on the mat. (16:47)

    Recommended props: blocks


  • PLAY WITH FIRE: Feel The Burn

    This 20-ish minute flow will get you warmed up from head to toe. Let yourself arrive with every piece of yourself – we’re all messy, we all make mistakes. You were made to bear it. Feel every moment of intensity and know that just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean you can’t do it. You’re stronger t...

  • LET IT BURN: Welcome The Challenge

    This class will kick your ass on purpose, and the challenge is to allow it to be hard. Allow this fire to clear the way for new growth. We definitely recommend blocks if you got ‘em – remember that books, pillows, boxes, even low stools are great options in a pinch. You got this, keep going. (45:...

  • QUIET TIME: Listen In

    Let’s get quiet and feel. Bring your awareness into the present moment: you are here, you exist, and you are happening on purpose. This 10-ish minute meditation practice allows you to show up as you are – that’s always enough. (12:34)

    No Props Needed

    Featured poses:
    Easy Pose/Meditation Seat (S...


    It’s easy to get lost in labels. Let’s just sit together in our expansiveness. There is so much life in your body and there’s no better time than now to honor that. Every piece of you is necessary – even the parts you don’t like. (22:02)

    Easy Pose/Meditation Seat (Sukhasana)


    The hardest part is getting to that mat, and you’ve already done that. Since you’re here, let’s take a moment for stillness and sit with the reality that not everything turns out the way we want it to. Life is complex, YOU are complex – and that’s beautiful. (23:59)

  • FACE YOUR FEAR: Sit With Emotion

    Part of our inversion practice is making space for the fear that comes along with going upside down. So…what IF you fall? By doing all of the physical AND mental prep work, it will teach you more than it will harm you. Grab a bolster or pillow, a strap, and a wall, and let’s get to it. (34:25)
